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Jesus Christ

Understanding the Lordship of Jesus Christ: His Life, Works, Promises, and Divine Authority.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the indisputable central figure of Christianity, representing a beacon of unwavering hope, love, and salvation for all humanity. His teachings and life story have inspired countless people throughout history to live more fulfilling and purposeful lives. Undoubtedly, Christ’s message illuminates the path toward a brighter future, especially in the bleakest and most difficult of times.

His life, teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection have shaped history and continue to inspire and transform lives today.

From the prophecies foretelling his birth to his promised second coming, the story of Jesus is one of profound significance, offering redemption, reconciliation, and eternal life to all who believe.

Christians are encouraged to embrace Jesus Christ’s teachings and share His message of love as they await His second coming. This message is rooted in the belief in Jesus Christ’s divine nature and the salvation He offers to all who believe in Him.

Staying watchful in their belief represents staying attentive and ready for His comeback.
To accomplish this, one must have an unwavering commitment to one’s beliefs and a willingness to live by His teachings. The parable of the wise virgins is significant because it teaches about the necessity of being prepared for the bridegroom’s arrival to join the wedding feast.

The Word of God commands Christians to embrace a life filled with love, compassion, and service to others as they expect His coming. They must spread the gospel of salvation to the lost souls, giving them the chance to receive the eternal life that Jesus Christ promised.

Prophecy and Birth:

The story of Jesus begins long before his earthly birth, with prophecies dating back centuries foretelling the coming of a Messiah who would bring salvation to humanity.

Isaiah’s book contains one of the most significant prophecies in the Bible that declares, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14, NIV). Mary, a genuine virgin, miraculously conceived Jesus through the Holy Spirit’s power, fulfilling the prophecy.

As the prophet Micah had predicted (Micah 5:2), a new era in human history began with the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Born into humble surroundings, Jesus entered the world not as a king adorned in royal robes but as a vulnerable infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

His birth signaled the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a Savior, the long-awaited Messiah, who would bring light to a world enveloped in darkness.

Life and Ministry:

The life of Jesus Christ was one of selflessness, compassion, and devotion to his Father’s will. From his humble beginnings in Nazareth to his powerful ministry in the regions of Galilee and Judea, Jesus preached the message of the Kingdom of God with a zeal and urgency that left an indelible mark on the world. He called on people to avoid sinful ways, embrace repentance and faith, and become disciples. Jesus’ teachings emphasized the importance of love, kindness, and forgiveness, and he practiced what he preached by healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and showing mercy to those in need. His life and message continue to inspire millions of people worldwide.

His teachings challenged the religious authorities of his time and offered hope to the marginalized, the oppressed, and the sinners.
Jesus performed countless miracles throughout his ministry, demonstrating his power over nature, sickness, and even death.

He healed the sick, restored sight to the blind, cast out demons, and raised the dead, showcasing his authority as the Son of God. Yet, despite his miraculous deeds and profound wisdom, Jesus faced opposition and rejection from many quarters, culminating in his arrest, trial, and crucifixion.

Crucifixion and Resurrection:

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ stands as the central event of human history, marking the culmination of God’s plan for the redemption of humanity. One of Jesus’ disciples betrayed him, leading to his arrest, false accusation, and execution on a Roman cross.

He endured unimaginable suffering, bearing the weight of the world’s sin on his shoulders as darkness enveloped the land.
Yet, amid his agony, Jesus uttered, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34, ESV), demonstrating his boundless love and compassion even in the face of betrayal and cruelty.

As he breathed, the earth trembled, the temple veil tore, and hope faded.
But the story does not end at the cross. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead, triumphing over sin and death once and for all.

His resurrection validated his claims to be the Son of God and the promised Messiah and paved the way for the forgiveness of sins and the offer of eternal life to all who believe in him.

Promise of the Second Coming:

Before ascending to heaven, Jesus promised his disciples that he would come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and to establish his eternal kingdom. The apostles reiterate this promise throughout the New Testament, a central theme in Christian theology.

As believers await the second coming of their Lord, they are encouraged to stay alert, ready, and steadfast in their faith, much like the wise virgins who kept their lamps burning with oil. This timeless analogy reminds us that faithful followers of Christ must constantly prepare for his spiritual and mental arrival so that they may be found worthy of his grace and salvation.

Believer’s Responsibilities:

Believers, as followers of Jesus Christ, are responsible for spreading the gospel, making disciples, and embodying the love and compassion of their Savior. In anticipation of his return, they are called to be diligent in prayer, steadfast in faith, and unwavering in their commitment to righteousness and holiness.

Moreover, believers are responsible for being caretakers of God’s creation, showing love and compassion towards the earth and its inhabitants. Their mission is to pursue justice, relieve suffering, and stand with the oppressed and marginalized, mirroring the actions of Jesus during his earthly ministry.

Understanding the Lordship of Christ: His Divine Authority and Equality with God the Father

The concept of Jesus Christ’s lordship is at the core of Christian theology. This individual is recognized as a distinguished academic or a symbol of moral conduct and worshipped as a divine being. The title mentioned in the original text is reserved solely for God the Father and is highly revered.

It represents the pinnacle of honor and admiration, exemplifying great reverence and respect for this celestial being. The title has a rich history and significance in various cultures worldwide and is often used to express profound spiritual and religious sentiments. It is a highly esteemed title that demands great respect and reverence.

Understanding why Jesus is known as the Lord requires delving into the depths of his divine authority, his role in creation and redemption, and his exalted position at the Father’s right hand. This article explores the significance of Christ’s lordship and its implications for believers today.

The Divine Authority of Christ:

The title “Lord” denotes sovereignty, supremacy, and divine authority. When applied to Jesus, it acknowledges his divinity and rulership over all creation. In the New Testament, the Greek word “kurios” refers to Jesus as Lord, signifying his absolute authority and lordship over every aspect of existence.

Jesus himself affirmed his divine authority during his earthly ministry. He forgave sins (Mark 2:5–10), exercised power over nature (Mark 4:35–41), and cast out demons (Mark 5:1–20), all actions that demonstrated his divine prerogative and lordship.

Moreover, he accepted worship from his disciples (Matthew 14:33, John 20:28), further underscoring his divine nature and authority.

Equality with God the Father:

The claim that Jesus became the Lord is a profound statement conveying his intimate relationship with God the Father. The New Testament portrays Jesus as sharing in the divine nature of the Father, possessing the same essence, power, and authority as him.

Jesus is not just a human but also a divine being on par with God. This affirmation is a cornerstone of Christian belief, highlighting Jesus’ centrality in the Christian faith. It underscores the idea that Jesus is not just a teacher or a prophet but the Son of God, who came to earth to redeem humanity and offer eternal salvation to those who believe in him.

The Gospel of John, in particular, presents a clear picture of Jesus’ equality with God the Father. In John 1:1, it is proclaimed, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Here, Jesus, referred to as the Word, is described as distinct from God and yet fully divine, existing from the beginning of creation.

Furthermore, Jesus declared his unity with the Father, stating, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30, ESV). This declaration affirms the oneness of their purpose, mission, and shared divine nature and authority.

The Exalted Position of Christ:

After Jesus was resurrected and ascended, he was seated at the right hand of God the Father in the most esteemed position of honor and authority. This imagery signifies not only Jesus’ elevated status but also his active participation in the divine rule and governance of the universe.

The Apostle Paul articulates this truth in his letter to the Philippians, stating, “Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:9–11, ESV). In this passage, Jesus’ exaltation is united with a universal acknowledgment of his lordship, encompassing the entirety of creation.

Implications for Believers:

Understanding and embracing Jesus Christ’s lordship carries profound implications for believers. It necessitates complete surrender, obedience, and allegiance to him as the rightful ruler of their lives. The Bible instructs devotees to affirm Jesus as their Lord and follow his teachings and commandments, surrendering every aspect of their lives to his authority.

He acknowledged Jesus as the Lord and Savior who provides strength and courage to believers, assisting them in overcoming the obstacles and hardships of life with unwavering faith and optimism. They can take comfort in the assurance that their Lord is sovereign over all circumstances and that nothing can separate them from his love and care.


The Lordship of Jesus Christ is a foundational truth of the Christian faith. It affirms his divine authority, equality with God the Father, and exalted position as ruler of all creation.

As followers of the teachings of Jesus Christ, we are called upon to openly acknowledge, confess, and declare him as the ultimate ruler and authority over our lives. This means allowing his divine influence to permeate every aspect of our existence, from our thoughts and behavior to our relationships and life goals. By humbly submitting to the one who is superior both in the present and for all eternity, we discover a deep sense of freedom, purpose, and fulfillment that transcends earthly pleasures or pursuits. Accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is the key to unlocking a life of true happiness and spiritual abundance.

The story of Jesus Christ is one of profound and eternal significance. From his birth in Bethlehem to his resurrection and promised second coming, Jesus is the sole Savior and ruler of humanity and God’s kingdom.

Believers are expected to await his victorious return with anticipation, holding on to his teachings and sharing his message of love while being watchful, ready, and committed to establishing his eternal kingdom. Just as the wise virgins kept oil in their lamps, may believers be found faithful

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